!9#: 40" REBOUNDER TRAMPOLINE * NEW * Jogger Mini Folding
Rated for up to 275 pounds. This is an extra-large 40" Foldable Fitness Trampoline, perfect for so many reasons! It is extra heavy-duty, folds easily for portability or storage (it even includes its own carrying case!), and is an attractive all black color with black spring padding! Our trampoline is larger than the more common 36" mini trampoline, thus safer, more effective, and more fun! Aerobic Rebound Exercise (Rebounding) will make you look and feel years younger. Rebounding will change the way you look. A Mini Trampoline will improve your energy, vitality and enthusiasm for life. Aerobic Rebound Exercise helps vitamins and nutrients assimilateGet the maximum benefits from your foods, juices or supplements by rebounding. Rebounding assists the digestive system in working more efficiently, a necessity for good health.